We present the Second Test Rider of the Apocalypse – Automation tests.

Ep.2 Automation tests

In episode 2 of our miniseries, we show step by step how QA Craft for Jira® is dealing with this very problem, namely automation in Jira®.

Tomek Domański, QA Craft Product Owner, tells us what it is and what it looks like in QA Craft for Jira®:

  1. Flexibility – when it comes to automation, there is no commitment to any particular technology
  2. Background testing
  3. Possibility of building any set of tests from existing machines
  4. Subscribe test results with test runway logs.

QA Craft for Jira it is an innovative, simple and functional, complete test automation – is the conqueror of 4 Test Riders of the Apocalypse

Tester Horseman of the Apocalypse

  1. Structure management
  2. Automation tests
  3. Reporting
  4. Coverage of requirements with tests

For more details, please see the following page: https://rivetgroup.eu/qacraft/

If you have a problem with Jira®, go for it: https://rivetgroup.eu/jira-concierge/

And you can find even more meritories at: https://rivetgroup.eu/blog/