Why QA Craft for Jira is more innovative than Zephyr and Xray?
We have been consulting on QA processes and QA tools, as well as running large test projects, often recognizing the latest innovations in the QA world.
We have been consulting on QA processes and QA tools, as well as running large test projects, often recognizing the latest innovations in the QA world.
Comparison of Jira Add-onn plugins based on research conducted by one of the testing tool producer
Ep.4 Coverage of requirements with tests. We present the fourth episode of the miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® - The Fourth Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Covering the requirements with tests.
Ep.3 Reporting. In the third episode of our miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® we will show and tell you how our plug-in faces the next Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Reporting.
In episode 2 of our miniseries, we show step by step how QA Craft for Jira® is dealing with this very problem, namely automation in Jira®.
We present the first episode of our miniseries QA Craft for Jira® vs. the Four Test Riders of the Apocalypse. Ep.1 Structure management
Przedstawiamy czwarty odcinek miniserialu o QA Craft for Jira - Czwartego Testerskiego Jeźdzca Apokalipsy - Pokrycie wymagań testami.
Tajemnica tkwi w skomponowaniu składników zgodnie z Twoim gustem i z Twoimi potrzebami. Zobacz przepis.
W naszej pracy spotkaliśmy cztery zasadnicze problemy związane z testowaniem w JIRA, które bardzo mocno zdeterminowały poszukiwanie przez nas odpowiedniego ich rozwiązania, najlepiej w postaci pluginu lub narzędzia.
Pierwszy odcinek miniserialu Czterech Testerskich Jeźdźców Apokalipsy vs. QA Craft for JIRA® - Zarządzanie Strukturą.