Tomasz Lewandowski

O Tomasz Lewandowski

Wielbiciel kreatywnego marketingu i pr. Od ponad 20 lat szukający ciekawych rozwiązań. Wyznawca zasady że dobry pomysł jest podstawą działania i sukcesu. Muzyka, tatuaże, podróże, longboard to moje drugie "Ja"

Ep.4 Coverage of requirements with tests – QA Craft for Jira® vs. 4th Tester Horseman of the Apocalypse

Ep.4 Coverage of requirements with tests. We present the fourth episode of the miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® - The Fourth Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Covering the requirements with tests.

Ep.3 Reporting – QA Craft for Jira® vs. 3rd Tester Horseman of the Apocalypse

Ep.3 Reporting. In the third episode of our miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® we will show and tell you how our plug-in faces the next Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Reporting.

Ep.2 Automation tests – QA Craft for Jira® vs. 2nd Tester Horseman of the Apocalypse

In episode 2 of our miniseries, we show step by step how QA Craft for Jira® is dealing with this very problem, namely automation in Jira®.

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