JIRA Concierge w pigułce! Jak w pełni wykorzystać potencjał Atlassian JIRA?
Jak w pełni wykorzystać potencjał Atlassian JIRA?
Jak w pełni wykorzystać potencjał Atlassian JIRA?
Ep.4 Coverage of requirements with tests. We present the fourth episode of the miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® - The Fourth Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Covering the requirements with tests.
Ep.3 Reporting. In the third episode of our miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® we will show and tell you how our plug-in faces the next Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Reporting.
In episode 2 of our miniseries, we show step by step how QA Craft for Jira® is dealing with this very problem, namely automation in Jira®.
We present the first episode of our miniseries QA Craft for Jira® vs. the Four Test Riders of the Apocalypse. Ep.1 Structure management