Who will approve costs? Simple decision process
This is a series of posts on how to use Decision Table for Jira. Tools used: Business [...]
This is a series of posts on how to use Decision Table for Jira. Tools used: Business [...]
Decision Tables for Jira plugin supports business process automation in Atlassian Jira. The plugin adapts solutions known from BPM class systems for Jira. It is based on [...]
Plan, track, and manage your agile and software development projects in Jira. Customize your workflow, collaborate, and release great software.
Many of our customers have decided to migrate from server and data centre instances to the cloud and we are helping them to do so
Decision Tables for Jira - new and only one plugin for the business users!!! Improving process automation by using Decision Tables into custom code or Adaptavist Script Runner, based [...]
Behind us is a very important event that gave our plug-in, the premiere of the Atlassian Marketplace. Our tool is available in Server and Data Center.
How the test management plugin, QA Craft for Jira 4.0, has changed over the last few months.
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Ep.4 Coverage of requirements with tests. We present the fourth episode of the miniseries about QA Craft for Jira® - The Fourth Test Rider of the Apocalypse - Covering the requirements with tests.